I was not bored all day
I will loose weight chase the kids all day
L (sisters son) makes me smile
I love being home with M. I swear she is growing up right in front of me
I loved not feeling like I HAD to do anything today. I could take my time and do things at my own speed and when I wanted to (well not feed them or change them but you get my point)
My sisters children both ate dog food
B (sister's daughter) was sick all day
Both kids had enough poop for 44 grown men
All 3 kids peed out of their diapers (it is way warm here and I was giving them tons of water)
Could not get L to take a nap
Overall I would say the day was great. I know I will get the hang of it. But only time will tell.....
** I was going to post pics from the trip but my stupid computer whacks out every time I try**